
Use an alert to communicate an important message to users.


An alert should be used to announce information that takes precedence over all other page content. The inclusion of role="alert" will assist screen readers in announcing this content ahead of other information, so this component should be used with caution.

There should be a maximum of one alert on a page at a time and it should be placed prominently above other page content.

Different colours of alert should be used to communicate different types of message.

Open example in new window

<div class="sta-alert">
  <h2 class="sta-alert__heading">This is a default alert</h2>
  <div class="sta-alert__content sta-content">
    <p>This is some content for the alert.</p>


An alert always consists of a heading and some content which are contained within a coloured box.

Diagram showing the elements that make up an Alert component
  1. Container
  2. Heading
  3. Content

Alert container

An alert container is rectangular and spans the full width of a layout. The colour of the border can be changed to suit the type of message the alert contains.

Alert heading

The heading spans the full width of the alert, with the background colour automatically matching that of the alert container border.

The heading should briefly describe the context for the alert. The heading level used should match the hierarchy of the surrounding content, for example if immediately following a page's <h1> then the alert heading should be a <h2>.

Alert content

The content should be directly related to the alert's heading. Content should be concise to prevent the alert dominating too large a proportion of the screen.

Links and buttons may be included in the content to direct users to perform actions that are directly related to the alert's heading.


The inclusion of role="alert" will assist screen readers in announcing this content ahead of other information, so this component should be used with caution.

Information alert

Open example in new window

<div class="sta-alert sta-alert--info">
  <h2 class="sta-alert__heading">This is an information alert</h2>
  <div class="sta-alert__content sta-content">
    <p>This is some content for the alert.</p>

Error alert

Open example in new window

<div class="sta-alert sta-alert--danger">
  <h2 class="sta-alert__heading">This is an error alert</h2>
  <div class="sta-alert__content sta-content">
    <p>This is some content for the alert.</p>

Success alert

Open example in new window

<div class="sta-alert sta-alert--success">
  <h2 class="sta-alert__heading">This is a success alert</h2>
  <div class="sta-alert__content sta-content">
    <p>This is some content for the alert.</p>

Warning alert

Open example in new window

<div class="sta-alert sta-alert--warning">
  <h2 class="sta-alert__heading">This is a warning alert</h2>
  <div class="sta-alert__content sta-content">
    <p>This is some content for the alert.</p>